Essential vs. Non-essential businesses

By March 26, 2020blog, COVID19

On Wednesday, the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce hosted the City of Fort Worth and covered the topic of essential vs. non-essential businesses. At this time, the following are considered essential:

  •  Landscaping and lawn mowing services are allowed and considered essential business. 
  •  Construction work with the exclusion of renovation is allowed and considered essential business.
  •  Car dealerships can keep online sales and car delivery; however, lot sales and test driving are not allowed.
  •  Essential retail stores include grocery stores, convenience stores, and restaurants (no dine-in availability)
  • Real Estate – title transactions in person are allowed. However, the City of Fort Worth encourages limiting the number of individuals in the same room.

For a list of essential and non-essential businesses (updated regularly), visit:

  • Hotline (817)392-8478
  • Email: